Friday, May 6, 2016

We Made It!

I can't believe the semester is over. This has been the most difficult semester in my college years. Not only was I taking 6 major courses, I lost one of the most important people in my life a week before midterms. Dealing with all of life's issues can be very hard, but you have to push through. I would like to thank Dr. Smirnova for helping me throughout that hard time and being so understanding. At times it was extremely difficult, but I made it, and very much looking forward to Summer. 

Looking back, when I first walked in to Dr. Smirnova's Science and Technology Methods course I was a ball of anxiety. Many people had told me this was the most challenging course they had ever taken. Hearing this got me more worked up because I was taking both Social Studies Methods and Science Methods with Dr. Smirnova this semester. Coming out of these courses, I am extremely happy with the goals I have accomplished. Nothing ever comes easy, and I think these courses are a prime example of that. I worked very hard in these courses, and from the projects I have presented, lessons I have taught, and live binders I am completing, I can see the changes in myself. I'm very proud of what I accomplished this semester amidst life's challenges. I would like to thank Dr. Smirnova for being a teacher that pushes her students. I am coming out of this course with so much new knowledge. I am so happy I took this course right before I student teach in the Fall, because I have many added tools to my teacher tool box from this course! I am looking forward to reflecting on this course this Summer as I prepare for student teaching in the Fall. 

Enjoy the Summer everyone! 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sign Here!

Today in class we created a petition! It was fun and exciting! We all came prepared having watched the documentary Home. We then created our arguments for the petition. There were two different groups but our statements were similar. Both groups were expressing the urgency of saving our planet, that is quickly deteriorating.  

After each group created their arguments, we created a joint statement for our petition. Next we created an actual petition on This was very exciting, because this is something we could do in our own classrooms. It shows students that they can make an impact. It is also important because these are the people of the next generation, and we have to ability to teach them how to be good citizens and to protect our earth. 
Here is the link to our petition, if you would like to join in the fight and sign our petition. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Building up our Technology Teach Toolbox

From the start of this semester, Dr. Smirnova stressed the importance of technology, and how much we would be using it. I was apprehensive at first because I am not that tech savy. Coming out of this course I am confident, and I enjoy all of the resources technology can provide to us. Right from the start, we were building our technology tool box with our about me projects. We learned about 30 new technology sites that, over the course of the semester, we became very confident with. Even better was most of these sites had a free option. The free option fit our needs just fine. Dr. Smirnova also gave us her personal access to some sites. It was great to become familiar with these sites without the cost, so one day when we have our own classrooms we can know which sites we may want to bring in. I had never heard of glogster, now I use it for everything! I learned how useful vokis and word clouds are. I also learned how to use sites like powtoon and voice over sites. All of these engaging and unique sites are key to having a successful 21st century classroom. 

This video provides great insight on the importance of creating a technological classroom. In this day and age, it is so important to have a digital classroom. Students today were born into technology, and can better their learning by learning through a digital environment. I am so excited to take what I learned in this class and embark on my adventure in creating a digital classroom for my students.