Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sign Here!

Today in class we created a petition! It was fun and exciting! We all came prepared having watched the documentary Home. We then created our arguments for the petition. There were two different groups but our statements were similar. Both groups were expressing the urgency of saving our planet, that is quickly deteriorating.  

After each group created their arguments, we created a joint statement for our petition. Next we created an actual petition on This was very exciting, because this is something we could do in our own classrooms. It shows students that they can make an impact. It is also important because these are the people of the next generation, and we have to ability to teach them how to be good citizens and to protect our earth. 
Here is the link to our petition, if you would like to join in the fight and sign our petition. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Melissa,
    I am so glad that you included the petition in your blog because someone might come on and sign it as well. It will really get the word out to everyone and that is amazing. While I was reading this blog I was interested to hear how you liked this assignment. Also, if there was any attributes from the video you found intriguing or informational. I can't wait to hear back from you.
    Erin Correa
