Friday, May 6, 2016

We Made It!

I can't believe the semester is over. This has been the most difficult semester in my college years. Not only was I taking 6 major courses, I lost one of the most important people in my life a week before midterms. Dealing with all of life's issues can be very hard, but you have to push through. I would like to thank Dr. Smirnova for helping me throughout that hard time and being so understanding. At times it was extremely difficult, but I made it, and very much looking forward to Summer. 

Looking back, when I first walked in to Dr. Smirnova's Science and Technology Methods course I was a ball of anxiety. Many people had told me this was the most challenging course they had ever taken. Hearing this got me more worked up because I was taking both Social Studies Methods and Science Methods with Dr. Smirnova this semester. Coming out of these courses, I am extremely happy with the goals I have accomplished. Nothing ever comes easy, and I think these courses are a prime example of that. I worked very hard in these courses, and from the projects I have presented, lessons I have taught, and live binders I am completing, I can see the changes in myself. I'm very proud of what I accomplished this semester amidst life's challenges. I would like to thank Dr. Smirnova for being a teacher that pushes her students. I am coming out of this course with so much new knowledge. I am so happy I took this course right before I student teach in the Fall, because I have many added tools to my teacher tool box from this course! I am looking forward to reflecting on this course this Summer as I prepare for student teaching in the Fall. 

Enjoy the Summer everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. Melissa,
    First off, I am so sorry that you lost someone right before midterm times, but your work never showed it. You always came to class with a smile on your face. You were always eager to help others and never afraid to ask for help. Though Science and Social Studies Methods provide us students with a lot of work, at the end it is all worth it. We all come out so much more knowledgeable than when we started. It was a pleasure to learn with you this semester. You are going to make a wonderful teacher one day. Enjoy your summer!

    Danielle :)
