Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Drawing in College? Who knew

"On the first day of my Junior year of college, I was given markers and a piece of paper and asked to draw a scientist." I never thought I would say those words, but, yes, that is just what I did. I cringed a little because I am a terrible drawer. I work at Bishop Dunn, in the after school program, and I get made fun of by 2nd and 3rd graders on a daily basis of how terrible a drawer I am. Given the said materials, we were asked to draw our version of a scientist. After we completed our master pieces, we were able to walk around and view our peers' work. It was a very fun activity, and many of our scientists shared similar characteristics. Many had goggles/glasses on, lab coats, and crazy hair.

I feel like many, not all, of my past science teachers fit the description of the scientists that I drew. Especially, Professor Schraldi, my drawing's namesake. He had this crazy hair, and these big glasses he would wear. He had a lab coat on all the time, even if we were just taken a test, and he genuinely enjoyed science and all of it's aspects. He was definitely a positive figure when looking back on my science career.

This was a great activity, and I believe you could use this with not only science and scientists, but many other subject areas. Its a great way to see into a young student's mind, and to get a better look at their interpretations as a whole.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Melissa!
    What a cute picture of your scientist. I loved that we were able to make a portrait of a scientist. All of us college students were so excited to be able to actually draw in a college class! It was so interesting how many misconceptions we all had about a scientist. I think that most of us drew a man looking like Albert Einstein with crazy hair holding a test tube! However, we realized that this is a huge generalization that is completely incorrect. A scientist can look like anyone and be anyone! In this class we were scientists as well! I really enjoyed this activity it was a great way to engage the class. I also like that you drew your teacher! I would love to hear more of why this was your favorite teacher!
