Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Types of Assessment

All assessments are important to students learning. Assessment is a way for students to show what they have learned in their class. We learned about types of assessment this semester. There are three types of assessment. The three types are summative, formative, and diagnostic. It is our goal as teachers to not just give our students test after a unit is complete (summative), but to be checking our students understanding constantly (diagnostic). It is also important for teachers to different ways to assess their students. Not all students learn the same, likewise, not all students have the same test taking strengths. Using different forms of testing provides an equal opportunity for all students. 

diagnostic assessment is daily assessment like checks for understanding, and making sure the class is in agreement.

Formative assessment is a weekly assessment, and can be school or district wide. This is a more serious form of assessment than diagnostic. 

Summative assessment is end of the year tests or state tests. These are the most serious, and are usually bigger and more detailed than the other two.

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