Sunday, April 24, 2016

You Read it Here First!

This week we completed individual projects on science in the news. Using the site NewsELA, I found 8 Astronomy articles to research. NewsELA is an awesome site that contains articles on any category. I also this site because you can decrease or increase the lexile level of the articles. It will be a great tool for when we are in our student teaching placements, or even when we have our own classrooms.

Using glogster, I created a collage of my chosen articles. Glogster is another great tool to use for teachers. It is a nice change from the same old powerpoint presentation. I found my articles very interesting, and really enjoy learning about space science. One article that I found very interest was the light pollution article. I have been going to Maine since I was about three years old. I live on Long Island, which is very crowded, with tons of lights. Whenever I went/go to Maine, I am in awe of the sky. There seems to be a blanket of stars, thousands more than the sky on Long Island. In the past years, the sky in Maine, still covered in stars, seemed to be a little darker. This is due to the light pollution that is now reaching this part of our country. It is imperative that we learn new ways to deal with our unhealthy habits. Here is the link to my glogster.

Using a class powerpoint, we each created slides based on a topic of our chosen, regarding space. I chose constellations. This is another part of space that i just find amazing. How is it possible that we can connect these stars to make beautiful images. Here is the link to our class power point.

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