Saturday, April 30, 2016

Trade Book Talk!


For my trade book I used the book Ecosystems Around the World This book is considered a reference book, and provides great details about all different ecosystems found all over the world. The book starts off introducing what an ecosystem is, and then has the reader travel all over the world experiencing different ecosystems. I really enjoyed the glossary in the back of the book, and thought it would be very helpful to struggling students. The book has both animated pictures and real pictures that are very helpful to the reader. These pictures give the reader a better sense of what the given ecosystem is like. Another aspect of the book I love is that in each ecosystems description, it provides details on human interaction, and how we can do our part to help maintain, and sustain these environments.

This trade book would be extremely useful in our class this year. Some of our students at Bishop Dunn Memorial School read this book. It first introduces what an ecosystem is, which would be helpful to the previous field work groups that taught what an ecosystem is. Next, the book explains different types of ecosystems in different areas around the world. This would be helpful to the other field work groups that taught about different ecosystem environments. My fieldwork group, group 4, used this book with our model pond lesson. We showed students what ecosystem their model pond would most closely resemble. The amount of facts this book contains is immeasurable. There are many real-life accounts that make this book that much more personal to the reader. Some misconceptions this book can help to correct is that there is not one ecosystem that the entire world can live under. There are many different conditions that vary to help plants and animals survive.

With this trade book, I would have students created a replica ecosystem on any of the ecosystems found in the book. The students can use any form of media for their creation, such as, clay, paper, figures, popsicle sticks etc. The students will then be able to walk around and visit different ecosystems around the world based on their peers creation.

Here is my book trailer link! Hope you enjoy it!

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