Saturday, April 30, 2016

Science Projects!

We have completed many different science projects! We have completed space projects, climate change projects, marine life projects. Throughout these projects, we have used many different types of technology. We learned new technology sites that, over the course of the semester, we became very confident with. Even better was most of these sites had a free option. The free option fit our needs just fine. Dr. Smirnova also gave us her personal access to some sites. It was great to become familiar with these sites without the cost, so one day when we have our own classrooms we can know which sites we may want to bring in. I had never heard of glogster, now I use it for everything! I learned how useful vokis and word clouds are. I also learned how to use sites like powtoon and voice over sites. All of these engaging and unique sites are key to having a successful 21st century classroom. Some of my projects are below! 

Trade Book Talk!


For my trade book I used the book Ecosystems Around the World This book is considered a reference book, and provides great details about all different ecosystems found all over the world. The book starts off introducing what an ecosystem is, and then has the reader travel all over the world experiencing different ecosystems. I really enjoyed the glossary in the back of the book, and thought it would be very helpful to struggling students. The book has both animated pictures and real pictures that are very helpful to the reader. These pictures give the reader a better sense of what the given ecosystem is like. Another aspect of the book I love is that in each ecosystems description, it provides details on human interaction, and how we can do our part to help maintain, and sustain these environments.

This trade book would be extremely useful in our class this year. Some of our students at Bishop Dunn Memorial School read this book. It first introduces what an ecosystem is, which would be helpful to the previous field work groups that taught what an ecosystem is. Next, the book explains different types of ecosystems in different areas around the world. This would be helpful to the other field work groups that taught about different ecosystem environments. My fieldwork group, group 4, used this book with our model pond lesson. We showed students what ecosystem their model pond would most closely resemble. The amount of facts this book contains is immeasurable. There are many real-life accounts that make this book that much more personal to the reader. Some misconceptions this book can help to correct is that there is not one ecosystem that the entire world can live under. There are many different conditions that vary to help plants and animals survive.

With this trade book, I would have students created a replica ecosystem on any of the ecosystems found in the book. The students can use any form of media for their creation, such as, clay, paper, figures, popsicle sticks etc. The students will then be able to walk around and visit different ecosystems around the world based on their peers creation.

Here is my book trailer link! Hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

You Read it Here First!

This week we completed individual projects on science in the news. Using the site NewsELA, I found 8 Astronomy articles to research. NewsELA is an awesome site that contains articles on any category. I also this site because you can decrease or increase the lexile level of the articles. It will be a great tool for when we are in our student teaching placements, or even when we have our own classrooms.

Using glogster, I created a collage of my chosen articles. Glogster is another great tool to use for teachers. It is a nice change from the same old powerpoint presentation. I found my articles very interesting, and really enjoy learning about space science. One article that I found very interest was the light pollution article. I have been going to Maine since I was about three years old. I live on Long Island, which is very crowded, with tons of lights. Whenever I went/go to Maine, I am in awe of the sky. There seems to be a blanket of stars, thousands more than the sky on Long Island. In the past years, the sky in Maine, still covered in stars, seemed to be a little darker. This is due to the light pollution that is now reaching this part of our country. It is imperative that we learn new ways to deal with our unhealthy habits. Here is the link to my glogster.

Using a class powerpoint, we each created slides based on a topic of our chosen, regarding space. I chose constellations. This is another part of space that i just find amazing. How is it possible that we can connect these stars to make beautiful images. Here is the link to our class power point.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pre-Assessment and Post-Assessment

Pre-Test and Post-Test

We conducted both a pre-test and a post-test in our fieldwork experience. I have learned so much about the importance of both assessments. The pre-test is used to assess what the students already know about the topic we are teaching. From the results of that pre-test, the teacher can then revise her lesson plan to cater to the needs of all her students. The teacher then teaches the objectives set out for her throughout the unit plan. After the unit plan, the teacher administers a post-test. The post test is a guide to see how well the students retained and learned the information. It is also a guide for the teacher. The teacher can reflect on her teaching and see what he/she may need to change in the future. I enjoyed the article, Pretests; Importance and Uses of Pretests, on the benefits of creating and administering pretests. Pretests can be extremely beneficial for not only the teacher, but also the student.

I enjoyed this video on pre-tests and post-tests. It shows that after completing the pre-tests, students can set goal for themselves. The goals can push the students to better themselves throughout the lesson, and ace the post-test.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Puzzling Jigsaw Method on Climate

We experienced the jigsaw learning method today in class. This is where there are groups of students, and then each student is assigned to a topic. The students then break into sub groups based on topics. These groups become expert groups on their topics. It is a fun and different approach to group work. 
This video is very helpful, and informative. The video shows history, the structure, and tips for teachers. The video goes on to say "increases student engagement, encourages collaboration, and results in better learning. " I enjoyed this learning environment, and feel it would work well in my classroom. I believe students would enjoy being an expert and teaching their peers. 

We used this method to teach about climate. My expert group was climate change. It was helpful to have Dr. Smirnova's husband there to guide us, since he is so well-versed in this topic. Here is the link to my presentation, and the picture can be found below.