Thursday, March 31, 2016

Post-Science Fair Debrief at BDMS

We went in to the science teacher, Mrs. Foster-Faith's, classroom at Bishop Dunn Memorial School. She was the teacher who ran the science fair. I loved her enthusiasm towards science and especially loved her shirts! She was a fun and caring teacher, and that goes miles in the classroom. 

In our brief meeting, she accomplished the 5E's. She stressed the importance of using that in that classroom. I enjoyed how she stated she never writes lesson plans. That has been a part of education that I stress about. Having to make a lesson plan for every single lesson seems like a lot, and she said that definitely doesn't happen. 

Mrs. Foster-Faith asked us what we thought of the science fair. I said I enjoyed it, but, I wish it didn't have to fall at such a busy time for me. I had a lot to do, and then to add a science fair project on to it was a lot. On the other hand, I think the BDMS students really enjoyed it. When I went to the science fair, all of the kids were excited, and eager to present their projects. I agree with Mrs. Foster-Faith that there should be guidelines. 

Overall, I enjoyed our meeting with Mrs. Foster-Faith. I enjoyed her insight, and her inviting spirit. She ended our meeting with saying, "If you ever need anything, come on over." I thought that was really nice, and I know she really meant it. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Science Fair

For my science fair project, I did Candy Chromatography. I was very excited for the science fair, and remember how much I loved the science fair when I was in elementary school. For my project, I was researching the dyes found in a green M&M and a green Skittle. Using water and coffee filters, I was able to see the dye colors in both of these candies. I found out the M&M had green, yellow, and blue. The Skittle had more green and yellow. Below is the picture to my science fair board, and a few close ups of the results. 

My favorite part of the science fair was the 5th graders. They used their model ponds we had created for their lesson as their science fair project. When I went up to them, they were so eager to tell me all about their projects. They also knew so much content on their ponds! It was another great moment that showed all of the hard and extra work we were putting into this lesson, was paying off. 

I read the article The Value of a Science Fair Project. Some of the important benefits were that is so much more than just science, it is cross curriculum, it also promotes students practice their social skills since they are presenting their topics to visitors. I think the science fair is very important, and more schools should make it a prioity. However, after meeting the Mrs. Foster-Faith, I feel it is important to set guidelines for all students.